

Date Format

Default date format can be selected from here. GNUKhata supports three different date formats, dd-mm-yyyy, mm-dd-yyyy and yyyy-mm-dd.

App Language

Default app language can be selected from here.

Right now GNUKhata supports only English, more translation efforts are welcome.


Payment Mode

Default payment mode can be selected from here. The currently available options are bank, cash and credit.

Tax Mode

Default Tax Mode can be selected from here.

GNUKhata supports GST, VAT and GST+VAT modes.

Default Godown

You can select your default godown for products from here.

Use Customer / Supplier ledgers to track transactions

If this option is enbaled, individual accounts will be created for each customer, rather than using single sales/purchase accounts.


Organization details can be edited from here. GNUKhata supports autofilling organization details from GSTIN.

To save changes, click on "Save Changes" button. To delete a organization, click "Delete Organization" button.


You can add organization name, website and email here. You can also upload organization logo, which will be visible on application navbar.

Contact Details

You can add contact details of your organization here.

Bank Details

Enter you bank details here. You can autofill Bank and Branch details by using IFSC code search feature.

Tax details

You can add GSTIN and PAN from here. To autofil organization data from GSTIN, click on Validate & Autofill button under GSTIN field, fill the captcha and submit.

Manage Users

Users can be invited and assigned user roles here. Existing users can be removed and also sent invitations can be revoked.

To see more details see Manage Users [TODO: Connect to Manage User page]

Import Data

You can import data from other GNUKhata instances and Tally. Currently GNUKhata supports XLSX (Legacy) and JSON imports.

Export Data

You can export GNUKhata data in XLSX (Legacy) and JSON format. The current exported spreadsheet contains only the accounts and vouchers data.