Installation Instructions

You can also try & evaluate GNUKhata online from the demo server

In order to install & run gnukhata on your computer, You need to follow the some steps:

1. Installing docker & docker compose


Install docker & docker-compose programs from your package manager

# For ubuntu/debian based distributions

sudo apt install docker-compose

Windows & Mac:

Head over to & download the installer & follow the install Instructions

2. Setup & Launching the app

Create a folder named gnukhata & Download the docker compose file in that folder: Click to Download

These below instuctions are also same for windows users, except that they don’t need to prefix the word sudo in the command

All the commands below expect you execute them from the gnukhata folder

# cd into the directory where the file is downloaded
# Run the command below

sudo docker-compose up -d

# to stop gnukhata, run below command in the same directory

sudo docker-compose down

You can access gkapp (web UI) inside your web browser at url http://localhost:2020 & gkcore (REST API Server) http://localhost:6543 respectively

In case of issues in the installation process, Please join our support groups & we will try to help you out

Upgrading to Latest versions

Linux / Mac:

# In your terminal, navigate to the folder where the `docker-compose.yaml` file is located and
# run these commands in order

sudo docker-compose down
sudo docker-compose pull
sudo docker-compose up -d


# In your terminal, navigate to the folder where the `docker-compose.yaml` file is located
# run these commands in order

docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d

Database dump

You can take a snapshot of your entire database to a file with this command. It creates a file named gkdump.sql in the same directory.

docker-compose exec db pg_dump -U gkadmin -d gkdata > gkdump.sql

Restore the database

# delete old db
docker-compose down -v —remove-orphans

#  bring up the containers
docker-compose up -d

# copy the sql file to database container
docker cp gkdump.sql gnukhata_db_1:/

# import data into the db from the file
docker exec -t gnukhata_db_1 psql -U gkadmin gkdata -f /gkdump.sql