Weekly Meeting: 09-03-2022


  • [Spreadsheet] Ledger, Stock Report, Credit/Cancelled Invoice, Unbilled/Cancelled Delivery Notes

(Absent due to illness)


  • Add workflow filters for Unbilled Delivery Notes and Cancelled Delivery Notes
  • GSTR-3B Summary, JSON support
  • Fix Bug in GSTR1


  • Suggestion for implementing the checksum idea suggested by VK,
    1. Convert table to CSV or JSON, then generate a checksum like md5 during export
    2. After the above data is imported in a different instance of GNUKhata, run the export code again and generate the checksum. Compare the new checksum with the one that was exported in the previous step to verify validity.
    3. During the import process we must be carefull in places with timestamps. If the timestamps of the exported data is different from that of the imported data, then checksum wont match.


  • Suggestion for export/import of data to/from GNUKhata,
    1. Generate checksum for each table of data that is being exported
    2. When exporting data, export the checksum as well
    3. Afer importing the exported data in a different instance of gnukhata, calculate the checksum and compare for checking validity.
    4. Following the the above steps we can verify if the data transfer is error free.
  • Accion has purchased a new domain (gnukhata.org) for our project. We can move our site from gnukhata.in to gnukhata.org in the future.


  • Will help with creating a sample demo data that we can use for importing a test/demo organisation quickly.
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